Radiation Science, Accelerator and Quantum Beams Major
Prof. Kil-Byoung Chai 채길병
Email : kbchai {at} ust.ac.kr, kbchai {at} kaeri.re.kr ckb8304 {at} gmail.com
Tel : +82-42-868-4461
2016 ~ present Senior/Principal Researcher, KAERI
2023 ~ present Associated Professor, Radiation Science, UST
2022 ~ present Affiliated Professor, Div. Advanced Nuclear Engineering, Postech
- low temperature plasma physics, dusty plasma physics
- plasma diagnostics including optical emission spectroscopy
- fusion divertor physics and engineering
- electric propulsion including MPD thruster and ion thruster
2005 B.S. Department of Physics, KAIST
2011 Ph.D. Department of Physics, KAIST
2011 ~ 2012 Postdoc, Department of Physics, KAIST
2012 ~ 2016 Postdoc, Applied Physics and Materials Science, Caltech, USA
Development of basic technologies for validation of divertor engineering, ‘22~’26, 1,420,000,000 KRW (PI)
Development of in-situ evaluation technique for nanoparticle generation in plasmas, ‘20~24, 372,000,000 KRW (PI)
Divertor plasma simulating experiment and development of divertor plasma diagnostics, ‘17~21, 1,499,000,000 KRW (PI)
B. Kim, K.-B. Chai, J.-S. Park et al., Erosion resistance test of SiC mirror sample for ITER divertor VUV spectrometer, Fusion Eng. Des. 200, 114210 (2024).
K.-B. Chai*, Observation of high phase velocity of dust acoustic waves with elongated dust grains in a cryogenic dusty plasma experiment, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 055010 (2023).
D.-H. Kwon and K.-B. Chai, Research on atomic structure and collision cross-sections for spectroscopic modeling in KAERI Atomic Data Center, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 82, 841 (2023).
H. Shin, J. Hwang, Y.S. Han, G. Shin, H.H. Lee, K.-B. Chai, W. Choe, Argon-seeded detachment during ELM control by RMPs in KSTAR, Nucl. Fusion 63, 044003 (2023).
S.H. Moon, J.Y. Jeong, D. Kwak, J.H. Jang, K.-B. Chai, M. Chung, Design study of a single bunch selection method for neutron TOF experiment at RAON heavy ion accelerator, J. Instrum. 17, T07007 (2022).
D. Hwang, M. Park, H. Oh, J.H. Lim, M.H. Kim, K.-B. Chai, H. Jo, Development of a high heat flux electric joule heating system for testing a one-side heated cooling channel, Fusion Sci. Technol. 78, 220 (2022).
K.-B. Chai*, D.-H. Kwon, M. Lee, Development of plasma beam irradiation facility using applied-field MPD thruster to study plasma-surface interactions, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63, 125020 (2021).
K.-B. Chai and D.-H. Kwon, Optical emission spectroscopy and collisional-radiative modeling for non-equilibrium, low temperature helium plasma, Spectrochim. Acta B 183, 106269 (2021).
K.-B. Chai*, Growth and morphology of water-, methanol-, and ethanol-ice dust grains formed in an astrophysically-relevant plasma experiment, Astrophys. J. 908, 130 (2021).
K.-B. Chai* and D.-H. Kwon, Heat and particle load test facility using an applied-field MPD thruster for studying fusion divertor technology, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62, 035007 (2020).
K.-B. Chai and D.-H. Kwon, Optical emission spectroscopy and collisional-radiative modeling for low temperature Ar plasmas, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 227, 136 (2019).
K.-B. Chai*, Dynamics of nonspherical, fractal-like water-ice particles in a plasma environment, Sci. Rep. 8, 15405 (2018).
K.-B. Chai*, Dynamics of water-ice grains formed in a plasma where gravitational force is compensated by thermophoretic force, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 46, 688 (2018).
R. S. Marshall, K.-B. Chai*, and P. M. Bellan, Identification of accretion as grain growth mechanism in astrophysically-relevant water-ice dusty plasma experiment, Astrophys. J. 837, 56 (2017).
K.-B. Chai*, X. Zhai, and P. M. Bellan, Extreme ultra-violet burst, particle heating and whistler wave emission in fast magnetic reconnection induced by kink-driven Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Phys. Plasmas 23, 032122 (2016).
K.-B. Chai* and P. M. Bellan, Vortex motion of dust particles driven due to non-conservative ion drag force in a plasma, Phys. Plasmas 23, 023701 (2016).
P. M. Bellan, X. Zhai, K.-B. Chai, and B. Ha, Complex astrophysical experiments relating to jets, solar loops, and water ice dusty plasma, J. Plasma Phys. 81, 495810502 (2015).
K.-B. Chai* and P. M. Bellan, Formation and alignment of elongated, fractal-like water-ice grains in extremely cold, weakly ionized plasma, Astrophys. J. 802, 112 (2015).
K.-B. Chai* and P. M. Bellan, Study on morphology and growth of water-ice grains spontaneously generated in a laboratory plasma, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys. 127, 83 (2015).
K.-B. Chai* and P. M. Bellan, Extreme ultra-violet movie camera for imaging microsecond time scale magnetic reconnection, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 12504 (2013).
K.-B. Chai* and P. M. Bellan, Spontaneous formation of non-spherical water-ice grains in a plasma environment, Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 6258-6263 (2013).
K.-B. Chai and W. Choe, Role of plasma density in growth mechanism, transport, and morphology of dust particles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 083103 (2012).
S. H. Lee, K.-B. Chai, S. Jang, W. H. Ko, J. Kim, D. Seo, J. Lee, I. Bogatu, J. S. Kim, and W. Choe, Design and fabrication of a multi-purpose soft X-ray array diagnostic system for KSTAR, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E512 (2012).
K.-B. Chai, and W. Choe, Laser-based three-dimensional dust trajectory diagnostic, J. Instrum. 7, C03045 (2012).
K.-B. Chai, C. R. Seon, C. W. Chung, N. S. Yoon, and W. Choe, Correlation between nano-particle and plasma parameters with particle growth in dusty plasmas, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 013312 (2011).
K.-B. Chai, W. Choe, C. R. Seon, and C. W. Chung, Role of hydrogen in evolution of plasma parameters and dust growth in capacitively-coupled dusty plasmas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 201503 (2010).
K.-B. Chai, C. R. Seon, S. Y. Moon, and W. Choe, Parametric study on synthesis of crystalline silicon nanoparticles in capacitively-coupled silane plasmas, Thin Solid Films 518, 6614 (2010).
K.-B. Chai, C. R. Seon, S. Park, and W. Choe, Dust particle growth in rf silane plasmas using 2-dimensional multi-pass laser light scattering, New J. Phys. 11, 103006 (2009).
C. R. Seon, W. Choe, K.-B. Chai, H. Y. Park, and S. Park, Charge dependence of nano-particle growth in silane plasmas under UV irradiation, New J. Phys. 11, 013015 (2009).
C. R. Seon, S. Park, W. Choe, C. H. Seo, H. Y. Park, K.-B. Chai, and Y. H. Shin, Electron temperature and pressure dependences of the nonlinear phenomena in the dust particle oscillation in DC plasmas, New J. Phys. 10, 013025 (2008).
채길병, “교체형 음극을 포함하는 전기추력기, 이를 포함하는 위성, 그리고 전기추력기의 음극을 교체하는 방법” (Electric propulsion including replaceable cathode, satellite including the same, and method for replacing cathode of electric propulsion), 2023, 국내특허등록(10-2599029-0000).
채길병, “플라즈마 챔버 내 더스트 입자 제거 장치, 이를 포함한 플라즈마 처리 장치, 그리고 그 방법” (Apparatus for removing dust particle within plasma chamber, plasma treatment apparatus including the same, and method thereof), 2023, 국내특허등록(10-2599026-0000).
채길병, 허성렬, 이동원, 신해원, 권덕희, “고전력 전기추력기의 성능평가 시스템 및 그 방법”, 2023, 국내특허출원(10-2023-0062584).
채길병, 권덕희, ”자기 아크 플라스마를 이용한 극자외선 포톤 발생장치” (Extreme ultraviolet photon generator using magnetized arc plasma), 2021, 국내특허출원(10-2020-0009738).
(2024~present) 한국정보디스플레이학회 플라즈마 및 장비 연구회 위원
(2022~2023) iFPC 학회, Plasma Fundamentals 분과 Program Committee
(2020~2023) Nuclear Materials and Energy, Guest Editor
(2020-2023) 24th and 25th PSI conferences, Local Organizing Committee
(2019~2020) 한국진공학회플라즈마및디스플레이분과위원
(Ph.D. Students)
Sakshi Patwal, 사크쉬 팟왈, spatwal@kaeri.re.kr
(MS Students)
Dongwan Kim, 김동완, dwk@kaeri.re.kr