Nuclear Science and Technology
Radiochemistry research providing essential chemistry data and radioanalytical technology for nuclear fuel cycle, and addressing fundamental problems associated with the management of radioactive waste.
Cutting-edge radiochemistry research including the synthesis of new functional materials, the new measurement techniques, and chemical data science for the next-generation of nuclear industries.
Radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry
Advanced instrumental analysis in chemistry
Special topics and principles in radiochemistry
Research Area
Fundamental Radiochemistry
Synthesis of new actinide-based functional materials
Characterization of accident tolerant fuel
Chemical characterization of the used nuclear fuel
Radioanalytical techniques and data science
Analysis of the difficult-to-measure radionuclides
Database of the nuclides concentration in radwastes
Development of the new Scaling Factor method
Chemistry of radwaste disposal
Behavior of radionuclide species under disposal conditions
Migration of actinides in natural environments
Thermochemial database of radionuclides
Molten salt chemistry
Chemical analysis for high-temperature molten salts
Measurement systems of the molten salt property
Modeling and simulation of the elements in molten salts
Ultra-trace level environmental sample analysis
Specialized chemical techniques in class 100 cleanroom
Nuclear material analysis as a IAEA’s NWAL laboratory
Mobile fast/miniature/automated analysis system