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Nuclear Science and Technology

Nuclear System Engineering

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  • Nuclear system thermal-hydraulic experiment / analysis, severe accident, probabilistic safety assessment.

  • Resolving the safety issues and enhancing the nuclear safety and performance.

  • Analyses of materials and/or processes using neutron beam produced by atomic energy systems such as research reactors.


Introduction to advanced nuclear engineering

Introduction to nuclear reactor safety analysis

Introduction to neutron diffraction/measurements

Research Area

NPP TH validation experiment


  • Integral effect and separate effect tests

  • High-precision tests and model development

  • Design and verification of advanced safety system

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Experiment and validation for advanced NPPs

NPP Models and Simulations


  • Subchannel/CFD scale thermal-hydraulics analysis

  • Multi-scale thermal hydraulics analysis

  • Multi-physics coupled analysis

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Advanced models and simulations for NPPs

Severe Accident Research


  • Evaluation of core damage and corium behavior

  • Analysis of hydrogen distribution and combustion

  • Evaluation of radiological release and reduction

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NPP severe accident mitigation technology

Probabilistic Safety Research


  • Risk assessment and application research

  • Simulation based dynamic PSA research

  • Deep-learning based accident fast prediction

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Integrated safety assessment and management

Neutron Beam Science


  • 3D neutron imaging for hydrogen fuel cells

  • Batteries and advanced materials property research

  • Cold neutrons for bio, chemical materials analysis

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Research reactor (HANARO) applications

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