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Nuclear Science and Technology

Quantum Energy Chemical Engineering

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  • Developing chemical systems and materials  in the field of nuclear, chemical, material and environmental engineering, and a new field in which they converge.

  • The technology created through this advances many key areas related to the front and back end nuclear fuel cycles.


Introduction to nuclear fuel cycles and nonproliferation technology

Nuclear Chemical Engineering

Research Area

Nuclear materials


  • Material aging phenomena in structural components of nuclear power plants

  • Advanced materials to improve the functional safety of nuclear components

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Nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste treatment and disposal


  • Pyroprocessing for recycling uranium and transuranic elements in spent nuclear fuel

  • Disposal systems to permanently isolate high-level radioactive waste deep underground

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Nuclear decommissioning


  • Preparation–decontamination–dismantling–treatment of radioactive waste–environmental restoration

  • Eco-friendly materials for upgrading various decommissioning process

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Molten salt reactor


  • Molten salt properties and thermodynamic behavior prediction, liquid fuel manufacturing and fission product management

  • Molten salt reactor loop design and test

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