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Prof. Ki Yong Choi 최기용 


Email : kychoi {at} , kychoi {at}

Tel : +82-42-868-8928

  • Feb. 2023-Present    Senior Vice President of Nuclear Safety & Base Technology Lab.

  • July 2021-Jan. 2023          Senior Vice President of Intelligent Nuclear Safety Research

  • Jan. 2021-July 2021 Vice President of HANARO Neutron Research Technology

  • July 2019-Dec. 2020             Vice President of Research Reactor Technology

  • Apr. 2019-July 2019             Director of Reactor System Safety Research Division

  • Jan. 2020-present    Dean of UST-KAERI Graduate School

  • Jan. 2022~present    IAEA TWGRR member

  • May 2023~present   OECD/NEA CSNI Bureau member

  • Aug. 1998                    Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering at KAIST

  • Feb. 1993                     M.S. in Nuclear Engineering at KAIST

  • Feb. 1991                     B.S. in Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University

  • Sept. 2018- Sept. 2020         OECD/NEA CSNI WGAMA Bureau member

  • Nov. 2017-April 2019   OECD/NEA CSNI SESAR/SFEAR2 member

  • Apr. 2017-Apr. 2019            Director of Thermal-Hydraulics & Severe Accident Division

  • Sept. 2016-present   Korea Nuclear Society, 24~26th evaluation committee member

  • Jan. 2016-Apr. 2017             Director of Thermal-Hydraulics Safety Research Division

  • Sept. 2015-Aug. 2021           Executive Editor of NET (Nucl. Eng. Tech.) Journal

  • Mar 2015-present    Professor of UST (University of Science Technology)

  • Mar 2012-Feb. 2015             Adjunct Professor of UST (University of Science Technology)

  • Aug. 2011-Dec. 2011           Secretary of Planning Committee of 4th Nat. R&D Program,

  • National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

  • Mar. 2010-Present   Principal Researcher at KAERI

  • Jan. 2000- Feb. 2010            Senior Researcher at KAERI

  • Oct. 1999- Dec. 1999           Post Doctoral Researcher at KAERI

  • Oct. 1998- Sep. 1999            Visiting Research Fellow at Univ. of Manchester (UK)

  • Sep. 1998-Oct. 1998             Post Doctoral Researcher at KAIST

(International Journal)

  1. Ki Yong Choi and Hee Cheon No, "Experimental Studies of Flooding in Nearly Horizontal Pipes," Int. J. Multiphase Flow, V.21, No.3, pp419-436, 1995

  2. Ki Yong Choi, Hyun-Sik Park, Sang-Jae Kim, and Hee Cheon No, "Assessment and Improvement of Condensation Models in RELAP5/MOD3.2," Nuclear Technology, V. 124, No.2 pp103-117, 1998

  3. Ki Yong Choi, Heung June Chung, and Hee Cheon No, “Direct Assessment of Direct-Contact Condensation Models with/without Noncondensable Gases in RELAP5/MOD3.2,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, V. 211, pp139-151, 2002.

  4. Sang-Ki Moon, Se-Young Chun, Ki Yong Choi and Won-Pil Baek, "Transient Critical Heat Flux Under Flow Coastdown in a Vertical Annulus with Non-Uniform Heat Flux Distribution," J. Korean Nuclear Society, V.34, No.4, pp382-395, 2002

  5. Ji Hwan Jeong and Ki Yong Choi, "Effects of tube rupture modeling and the parameters on the analysis of multiple steam generator tube rupture event progression in APR1400," Nuclear Engineering and Design, V. 224, pp313-336, 2003

  6. Ki Yong Choi, Hyun-Sik Park, Dong-Jin Euh, Tae-Soon Kwon, and Won-Pil Baek, "Simulation Capability of the ATLAS Facility for Major Design Basis Accidents," Nuclear Technology, V. 156, No.3, pp256-269, 2006

  7. Ki Yong Choi, H.S. Park, S. Cho, S.J. Yi, C.K. Park, C.H. Song, M.K. Chung, "Parametric Studies on Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics for Transient Operations of an Integral Type Reactor," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.38, No.2, pp185-194, 2006.

  8. Hyun-Sik Park, Dong-Jin Euh, Ki-Yong Choi, Tae-Soon Kwon, Won-Pil Baek, “An assessment of a LBLOCA similarity for a reduced-height integral effect test loop design for PWRs,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, V.34, pp931-937, 2007.

  9. Hyun-Sik Park, Ki-Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Choon-Kyung Park, Sung-Jae Yi, Chul-Hwa Song, and Moon-Ki Chung, “Experiments on the Heat Transfer and Natural Circulation Characteristics of the Passive Residual Heat Removal System for an Advanced Integral Type Reactor,” J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, V.44, No.5, pp703-713, 2007.

  10. Ki Yong Choi, Sang-Ki Moon, Se-Young Chun, Jong-Kuk Park, Dae-Hyun Hwang, Won-Pil Baek, Su-Ki Park, and Chung-Young Lee, "Critical Heat Flux Tests for an Application of the 3-Pin Fuel Test Loop in HANARO," Heat Transfer Engineering, V.29, No.8, pp685-694, 2008.

  11. Ki Yong Choi, Y.S. Kim, S. J. Yi, and W. P. Baek, "Development of a Pump Performance Model for an Integral Effect Test Facility," Nuclear Engineering and Design, V.238, pp2614-2623, 2008.

  12. Ki Yong Choi, H.S. Park, S. Cho,, D.J. Euh, Y.S. Kim, and W.P. Baek, "Integral Behavior of the ATLAS Facility for a 3-inch Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.40, No.3, pp199-212, 2008.

  13. Yeon-Sik Kim, Ki-Yong Choi, Hyeon-Sik Park, Seok Cho, Bok-Deug Kim, Nam-Hyun Choi, and Won-Pil Baek, “Commissioning of the ATLAS Thermal-Hydraulic Integral Test Facility,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, V.35, pp1791-1799, 2008.

  14. Hyun-Sik Park, Ki-Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Sung-Jae Yi, Choon-Kyung Park, and Moon-Ki Chung, “Experimental Study on the Natural Circulation of a Passive Residual Heat Removal System for an Integral Reactor following a Safety Related Event,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, V.35, pp2249-2258, 2008.

  15. Hyun-Sik Park, Ki-Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Yeon-Sik Kim, and Won-Pil Baek, “An Integral Effect Test on the LBLOCA Reflood Phenomena for the APR1400 using ATLAS under a Best-Estimate Condition,” J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, V.46, No.11, pp1059-1069, 2009.

  16. Ki Yong Choi, H.S. Park, S. Cho, K.H. Kang, N.H. Choi, D.H. Kim, C.K. Park, Y.S. Kim, W.P. Baek, "Experimental Simulation of a Direct Vessel Injection Line Break of the APR1400 with the ATLAS," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.41, No.5, pp655-676, 2009.

  17. Ki Yong Choi, B.J. Yun, H.S. Park, H.D. Kim, Y.S. Kim, K.Y. Lee, and K.D. Kim, "Development of a Wall to Fluid Heat Transfer Package for the SPACE Code," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.41, No.9, pp1143-1156, 2009.

  18. Won-Pil Baek, Yeon-Sik, Ki Yong Choi, "LBLOCA and DVI Line Break Tests with the ATLAS Integral Facility," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.41, No.6, pp775-784, 2009.

  19. Hyun-Sik Park, Ki-Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Sung-Jae Yi, Choon-Kyung Park, and Moon-Ki Chung, “Experiments on the Performance Sensitivity of the Passive Residual Heat Removal System of an Advanced Integral Type Reactor,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.41, No.1, pp53-62, 2009.

  20. Seok Cho, Hyun-Sik Park, Ki Yong Choi, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Won-Pil Baek, and Yeon-Sik Kim "Core Thermal Hydraulic Behavior during the Reflood Phase of Cold-Leg LBLOCA Experiments using the ATLAS Test Facility," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.41, No.10, pp 1263-1274, 2009.

  21. Ki Yong Choi, S. Cho, H.K. Cho, C.H. Song, "Parametric Sensitivity Study on the Reflooding Models of the MARS Code based on 6x6 Rod Bundle Test Results," Nuclear Technology,V.170, No.1, pp54-67, 2010.

  22. Ki Yong Choi, Hyun-Sik Park, Seok Cho, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Nam-Hyun Choi, Yeon-Sik Kim, and Won-Pil Baek, "Effects of Break Size on DVI Line Break Accidents of the ATLAS," Nuclear Technology, V.175, pp604-618. 2011.

  23. Kyoung Ho Kang, Hyun Sik Park, Seok Cho, Nam-Hyun Choi, Sung Won Bae, Seung Wook Lee, Yeon Sik Kim, Ki Yong Choi, Won Pil Baek, and Moo Yong Kim, “Experimental Study on the Blowdown Load during the Steam Generator Feedwater Line Break Accident in the Evolutionary Pressurized Water Reactor,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, V.38, pp953-963, 2011.

  24. Hyun Sik Park, Jae Hoon Jeong, Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Kyoung Ho Kang, Yeon Sik Kim, Won Pil Baek, Chang Hwan Ban and Han Gon Kim, “A Separate Effect Test on the Cooling Behavior in a Pressurized Water Reactor Core under a Low Reflooding Rate Condition by using ATLAS and RELAP5/MOD3.3 Code Assessment,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, V.38, pp1053-1064, 2011.

  25. Hyun Sik Park, Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Sun Jae Yi, “Experimental investigations on the heat transfer characteristics in a natural circulation loop for an integral type reactor,” International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(9), 1232-1238, 2011.

  26. Hyun Sik Park, Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Kyoung Ho Kang, and Yeon Sik Kim, “Counterpart Tests of SBLOCA on the Effect of Break Location with the ATLAS: DVI Nozzle versus Cold-Leg Breaks”, J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, V.48, No.10, pp1319-1326, 2011.

  27. Hyoung Kyu Cho, Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, and Chul-Hwa Song, “Experimental Observation of the Droplet Size Change Across a Wet Grid Spacer in a 6x6 Rod Bundle,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, V.241, pp4649-4656, 2011.

  28. Yeon Sik Kim, Ki Yong Choi, Kyoung Ho Kang, Hyun Sik Park, Seok Cho, Won Pil Baek, Kyung Doo Kim, Suk K. Sim, Eo Hwak Lee, Seyun Kim, Joo Sung Kim, Tong Soo Choi, Cherl Woo Kim, Suk Ho Lee, Sang Il Lee, and Keo Hyoung Lee, “First ATLAS Domestic Standard Problem (DSP-01) for the Code Assessment,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.43, No.1, pp25-44, 2011.

  29. Hyun Sik Park, Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Kyoung Ho Kang, and Yeon Sik Kim, “Major Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena found during ATLAS LBLOCA Reflood Tests for an Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor APR1400,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, V.43, No.3, pp257-270, 2011. 

  30. Ki Yong Choi, Yeon Sik Kim, Chul-Hwa Song, and Won-Pil Baek, “Major Achievements and Prospect of the ATLAS Integral Effect Tests,” Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Volume 2012, Article ID 375070, doi:10.1155/2012/375070, 2012.

  31. Ki Yong Choi, Won Pil Baek, Kyoung Ho Kang, Hyun Sik Park, Seok Cho, and Yeon Sik Kim, "A summary of 50th OECD/NEA/CSNI International Standard Problem Exercise (ISP-50)," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 44, No.6, pp561-586 (2012).

  32. Kyoung-Ho Kang, Hyun-Sik Park, Seok-Cho, Nam-Hyun Choi, In-Cheol Chu, Byong-Jo Yun, Kyung-Doo Kim, Yeon-Sik Kim, Won-Pil Baek , Ki-Yong Choi, "Integral Effect Test on the Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Behavior during the Steam Generator Tube Rupture Accident in the APR1400," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 177, March, pp382-394 (2012).

  33. Yeon-Sik Kim, Xin-Guo Yu, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Hyun-Sik Park, Seok Cho, and Ki-Yong Choi "Analysis of a Station Blackout Scenario with the ATLAS Test," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 45, No. 2 (2013).

  34. Xin-Guo Yu, Hyun-Sik Park, Yeon-Sik Kim, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Seok Cho, Ki-Yong Choi*., "Systematic Analysis of a Station Blackout Scenario for APR1400 with Test Facility ATLAS and MARS Code from Scaling Viewpoint," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 259, pp205-220, (2013).

  35. Yeon Sik Kim, Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Hyun-Sik Park, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Chul-Hwa Song, Won-Pil Baek, "Second ATLAS Domestic Standard Problem (DSP-02) for a Code Assessment," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 45, No.7, pp871-894, (2013).

  36. Yeon Sik Kim, Ki Yong Choi, Chul-Hwa Song, Won-Pil. Baek, "Overview of the Standard Problems of the ATLAS Facility," Annals of Nuclear Energy, 63, pp509-524, (2014).

  37. Yeon Sik Kim and Seok Cho, “An Experimental Investigation of Loop Seal Clearings in SBLOCA Tests,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 63, pp 721-730, (2014).

  38. Yeon Sik Kim, Ki Yong Choi, “An Analytical Investigation of Loop Seal Clearings for the SBOCA Tests,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 68, pp30-42, (2014).

  39. Ki Yong Choi, Seok Cho, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Hyun-Sik Park, Yeon Sik Kim, "Comparison of Integral Thermal-Hydraulic Behaviors of a DVI Line Break SBLOCA with an Equivalent Cold Leg Break," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 273, pp421-434, (2014).

  40. Yusun Park, Hyun-Sik Park, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Nam-Hyun Choi, Kyoung-Ho Min, Ki-Yong Choi*, “Safety Verification for the ECCS Driven by the Electrically 4 Trains during LBLOCA Reflood Phase using ATLAS,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 277, pp36-45, (2014).

  41. Kyoung-Ho Kang, Byoung-Uhn Bae, Jong-Rok Kim, Yu-Sun Park, Seung-Wook Lee, Chul-Hwa Song, and Ki-Yong Choi, “Development of a Phenomena Identification Ranking Table for Simulating a Station Blackout Transient of a Pressurized Water Reactor with a Thermal-Hydraulic Integral Effect Test Facility, “ Annals of Nuclear Energy, 75, pp72-78, (2015).

  42. Xin-Guo, Yu, Ki-Yong Choi*, Chul-Hwa Song, Istvan Trosztel, Ivan Toth, Gyorgy Ezsol, “MARS-KS Code and Sensitivity Analysis of a Pressure Wave Propagation Test Performed in the PMK-2 Test Facility,” Nuclear Technology, 191, pp136-150,(2015).

  43. Y. S. Kim and Ki-Yong Choi, "An Analytical Investigation of Direct Vessel Injection Line Break Accidents of the ATLAS Facility," Annals of Nuclear Energy, 83, pp398-407, (2015).

  44. Y.S. Kim, S. Cho, and Ki-Yong Choi, "An Analytical Investigation of Cold Leg Small Break Accidents of the ATLAS Facility," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 291, pp145-153, (2015)

  45. Ki Yong Choi, Chul-Hwa Song, Won-Pil Baek, "ATLAS’ Contribution to Nuclear Safety," Nuclear Engineering and International, pp31-33, June (2015).

  46. Y. S. Kim, H. S. Park, S. Cho, K. Y. Choi, "The Characteristics of Break Flows of SBLOCA Tests in ATLAS Facility," Annals of Nuclear Energy, 85, pp1200-1209 (2015).

  47. C.-H. Song, K.Y. Choi, K.H. Kang, “ATLAS Program for Advanced Thermal- Hydraulic Safety Research”, Nuclear Eng. & Design, 294, pp242-261 (2015).

  48. Y.S. Kim, T.S. Kim, S. W. Bae, D.J. Euh, H.S. Park, S. Cho, S.J. Yi, K.H. Kang and K.Y. Choi, “Comparison of Critical Flow Models for SBLOCA Tests of the ATLAS Facility,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 87, pp435-442 (2016).

  49. Xin-Guo Yu and Ki-Yong Choi*, "Systematic and Exact Scaling Analysis of the Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow: The hydraulic Similarity," Progress in Nuclear Energy, 89, pp78-87 (2016).

  50. Xin-Guo Yu and Ki-Yong Choi*, "A theoretical model for the single-phase natural circulation flow rate and its assessment against the ATLAS test data," Progress in Nuclear Energy DOI, 10.2016/j.pnucene.2016.11.008 (2016).

  51. Y.S. Kim, H.S. Park, S. Cho, Ki-Yong Choi, and K.H. Kang, “Reflux Condensation Behavior in SBLOCA Tests of ATLAS facility,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 99, pp227-239 (2017).

  52. Xin-Guo Yu and Ki Yong Choi, "Heat Transfer Scaling Analysis of the Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow," Applied Thermal Engineering, 126, pp237-244, doi:  2017.07.023 (2017).

  53. Byoung-Uhn Bae, Yusun Park, Jong-Rok Kim, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Ki-Yong Choi, “Integral effect test on station blackout (SBO) scenario with steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) in ATLAS facility,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 328, pp107-114, (2018).

  54. K.H. Kang, Yu-sun Park, Byoung-Uhn Bae, Jong-Rok Kim, Nam-Hyun Choi, Ki-Yong Choi, "Code Assessment of ATLAS Integral Effect Test Simulating Main Steam-Line Break Accident of an Advanced Pressurizer Water Reactor," J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, V.55, No.1, pp104-112 (2018).

  55. Ki-Yong Choi, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Chul-Hwa Song*, "Recent achievement and future prospects of the ATLAS program," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 354, 110168, (2019).

  56. L.E. Herranz, D. Jacquemain, T. Nitheanandan, N. Sandberg, F. Barre, S. Bechta, K.-Y. Choi, F. D’Auria, R. Lee, H. Nakamura, "The working group on the analysis and management of accidents (WGAMA): A historical review of major contributions," Progress in Nuclear Energy, V. 127, 103432, (2020).

  57. K.H. Kang, Byoung-Uhn Bae, Jong-Rok Kim, Yu-Sun Park, Jae-Bong Lee, Seok Cho, Nam-Hyun Choi, Ki-Yong Choi, "Integral Effect Test Results on the Effect of Asymmetric Supply of Feedwater during a Station Blackout Transient of Pressurizer Water Reactor,", Annals of Nuclear Energy, V.149, 107837 (2020).

  58. Yusun Park, Byoung-Uhn Bae, Jong-Rok Kim, Seok Cho, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Ki-Yong Choi, “Counterpart Test for LSTF 1% Cold-leg Break LOCA (SB-CL-32) Utilizing ATLAS Test Facility,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 370, 110912 (2020).

  • April 2005-present       Regular Member of Korean Nuclear Society

  • July 2012-present         Regular Member of American Nuclear Society

  • July 2017-present         Regular Member of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering

  • Tech-Bridge (AI) (UST, 2023)

  • Industrial AI (CNU, 2022-2023)

  • Dec. 2016       President Award, Republic of Korea

  • Oct. 2014        Academic Achievement Award, Korean Nuclear Society

  • Oct. 2014        Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society

  • Oct. 2013        Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society

  • Oct. 2012        Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society for three papers

  • Sep. 2011        Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society

  • Jan. 2011         Best Project Award in 2010 (KAERI)

  • July 1998        Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award by KOSEF

  • Mar. 1998       Chevening Science & Technology Scholarship by British Council, UK


Integrated course

DongYun Cho



Xin-Guo Yu

Present) Prof. North China Electric Power University

M.S) Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, 2010

Ph.D) Advanced Nuclear System Eng. UST, 2016



Márton Szógrádi

Present) Research Engineer, VTT, Finland

M.S.) Advanced Nuclear System Eng. UST, 2017



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