Nuclear System Engineering Major
Prof. Han Young Yoon 윤한영
Email : hyyoon {at}
Tel : +82-42-868-2962
1988 ~ present Principal Researcher, KAERI
2020 ~ present Research Leader, Virtual Nuclear Reactor Technology, KAERI
2017 ~ 2021 Adjunct Professor, Advanced Nuclear Reactor System, UST
2021 ~ present Dean Professor, Nuclear Science and Technology, UST
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Numerical Method for 2-phase Flow
- Multi-scale and Multi-physics Simulation for Virtual Nuclear Reactor
1986 B.S. Nuclear Engineering , Seoul National University
1988 M.S. Nuclear Engineering, KAIST
1999 Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, University of Tokyo
1990 ~ 1991 Visiting Researcher, SIEMENS-KWU, Germany
1991 ~ 1991 Visiting Researcher, ABB-CE, US
Development of an integrated computer code system for a high-resolution safety analysis of design basis accidents, ‘21~'23, 6.7억원/년
Development of Nuclear Reactor Simulation Platform, '22~'26, 20억원/년
Development of Multi-physics High-resolution Safety Analysis Technology for Nuclear Reactor Major Components, '12~'21, 9억원/년
Google Scholar :
(International Journal)
Yoon, H.Y. et al., Analysis on helium stratification erosion by vertical steam jet using the CUPID code, Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol.388, pp1-11, 2022
Yoon, H.Y. et al., A Multiscale and Multiphysics PWR Safety Analysis at a Subchannel Scale, Nuclear Science and Engineering, vol.194, pp633-649, 2020
Yoon, H.Y. et al., An implicit numerical scheme for the simulation of three-dimensional two-phase flows in light water nuclear reactors, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol.70, pp183-199, 2016
Yoon, H.Y. et al., Recent improvements in the CUPID Code for a multi-dimensional two-phase flow analysis of nuclear reactor components, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, vol.46, pp655-666, 2014
Yoon, H.Y. et al., A multi-scale analysis of the transient behavior of an advanced safety injection tank, Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol.62 pp17-25, 2013
Yoon, H.Y. et al., Multi-scale thermal-hydraulic analysis of PWRs using the CUPID Code, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, vol.44, pp831-846, 2012
Yoon, H.Y. et al., A fast-running semi-implicit numerical scheme for transient two-phase Flows on unstructured grids, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol.56, pp432-454, 2012
Yoon, H.Y. et al., A continuity based semi-implicit scheme for transient two-phase flows, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, vol.47, pp779-789, 2010
Yoon, H.Y. et al., An unstructured SMAC algorithm for thermal non-equilibrium two-phase flows, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.36, pp16-24, 2009
Yoon, H.Y. et al., Direct calculation of bubble growth, departure, and rise in nucleate pool boiling, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol.27, pp277-298, 2001
Yoon, H.Y. et al., A mesh-free numerical method for direct simulation of gas-liquid phase interface, Nuclear Science and Engineering, vol. 133, pp192-200, 1999
Yoon, H.Y. et al., A particle-gridless hybrid method for incompressible flows, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol.30, pp407-424, 1999
(2021~present) UST 원자력과학기술 전공책임교수
(2018~2022) 한국원자력학회 평의원
(2017~2019) 한국전산유체공학회지 편집이사
(2015~present) 한국전산유체공학회지 편집위원
Keynote Lecture, ASCHT2015, 2015
Keynote Lecture, WORTH-8, 2017
2018 하계 한국유체기계학회 초청강연, 2018
Keynote Lecture, NURETH19, 2019
2021년 춘계 대한기계학회 초청강연, 2021
Keynote Lecture, IHTC-17, 2023
Computation Fluid Dynamics (UST, 2021-2023)
Best Paper Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2008)
Best Paper Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2011)
Best Paper Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2013)
Academic Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2013)
Best Paper Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2015)
Best Paper Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2016)
Computational Science Award, The Korean Nuclear Society(2018)
The Prime Minister Award, The Ministry of Science and ICT (2018)
(Ph.D. Students)
손지현 (2021 졸업), Yazan Alatrash Mohomad (2022 졸업)
(MS Students)
최민석 (2024 졸업예정)