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Accelerator & Quantum Beams Major

Prof. Pilsoo LEE 이필수 


Email : pilsoolee {at}, pilsoolee {at}

Tel : +82-42-868-2851

July 2017 ~ present                 Senior Researcher, KAERI

Mar. 2024 ~ present                Full-time Professor, Accelerator & Quantum Beams, UST

- Nuclear Physics, and its Applications

- Nuclear Physics Simulations

Feb. 2017                     Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, Chung-Ang University

Feb. 2013                    M.S. in Nuclear Physics, Chung-Ang University

Feb. 2011                     B.S. in Physics, Chung-Ang University

July 2017 ~ present       Senior Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

Mar. 2022 ~ Feb. 2024 Adjunct Professor, Accelerator & Quantum Beams, UST

Jan. 2022 ~ Jan. 2023   Director of Accelerator Development & Research Division

Jun. 2016 ~ Jun. 2017   Researcher, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences


Development of high-flux and high-energy neutron counting system, ‘21~26 (PI)

Development of high-reliability nuclear data production, supply, and application technology, ‘24


Development of field-installable fast-neutron target system, ’23

Accelerator operation, ‘22 (PI)

Environmental improvement and maintenance for KOMAC managements, ’22 (PI)

Development of Sr-82 production and generator based on proton accelerator, ‘19~’21

Feasibility study on accelerator-based pulse fast neutron generation, ‘18~20

Feasibility study on Li-8 beam production for beta-NMR, ‘17~’19

(International Journal)

  • P.Lee, N.Kang, Y.Jang, Design-oriented study on target station for spallation neutron source at KOMAC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 83(2) 91—95 (2023).

  • P.Lee, N.Kang, Comparison study of MCNP6 and GEANT4. For neutron transportation and detection in He-3 long counter, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 92(2) 024201 (2023).

  • A.Yagi, et al., Various nuclear stuructures in Xe-140 studied by beta decay of ground and isomeric states in I-140, Phys. Rev. C 105(4), 044325 (2022).

  • S.Lim et al., Development of neutron time-of-flight measurement system for 1.7-MV tandem proton accelerator with lithium target, Nucl. Eng. Tech. 54(2), 437—441 (2022).

  • P. Lee et al., Recent progress on the development of Li-8 radioactive ion beam based on 100-MeV proton linear accelerator at KOMAC, AIP Conf. Proc. 2319(1) (2021).

  • C.H.Lee, et al., Status of development and planning activities on CANS in Korea, Journal of Neutron Research 23(2-3) 126—141 (2021)

  • H.Yamaguchi, et al., Experiments on astrophysical reactions with low-energy unstable nuclei beams at CRIB, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1643(1), 012069 (2020).

  • H.S.Kim et al., Upgrade plan of the komac proton linac for the atmospheric radiation test on semiconductor devices, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 77, 373—378 (2020).

  • D.H.Kim et al., Measurement of the neutron energy spectra by using organic scintillators at the beam dump of the 100-MeV proton linear accelerator in the KOMAC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 77, 414—417 (2020).

  • J.J.Liu, et al., Isomeric and beta-decay spectroscopy of Ho-173,174, Phys. Rev. C102(2), 024301 (2020)

  • G.X.Zhang et al., Interplay of quasiparticle and vibrational excitations: first observation of isomeric states in Dy-168 and Dy-169, Phys. Let. B799, 135036 (2019)

  • P.Lee et al., Unfolding plastic detector responses to white and mono-energetic neutrons based on artificial neural networks, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 75, 878—881 (2019).

  • P.Lee et al., Characterization study of fast neutron sources based on proton accelerators at KOMAC, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1350(1), 012066 (2019).

  • P. Lee, Design of the 100 MeV proton-beam target system for the pulsed neutron source at the KOMAC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73, 1068—1072 (2018).

  • P.Lee et al., A method for using a radiophotoluminescence glass dosimeter in accurate tissue dosimetry, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 72, 444-448 (2018).

  • J.Wu, et al., 94 beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich Cs-55 to Ho-67: experimental feedback and evaluation of the r-process rare-earth peak formation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 072701 (2017).

  • L.A. Gurgi, et al., Isomer spectroscopy of neutron-rich Tb-165,167, Acta Physica Polonica. Series B 48(3) (2017).

  • P.A.Soderstrom, et al., K-mixing in the doubly mid-shell nuclide Dy-170 and the role of vibrational degeneracy, Phys. Lett. B762, 404—408 (2016).

  • H.Watanabe, et al., Long-lived K isomer and enhanced gamma vibration in the neutron-rich nucleus Dy-172: collectivity beyond double midshell, Phys. Lett. B760 641—646 (2016).

  • R.Lozeva et al., New isomer found in Sb-140: sphericity and shell evolution between N=82 and N=90, Phys. Rev. C93(1), 014316 (2016).

  • P.Lee et al., beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of non-yrast states in Te-138 near the neutron drip line, Phys. Rev. C92(4) 044320 (2015).

  • P.Lee et al., Development and performance test of the analysis software for the CRIB active target, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 66, 459-464 (2015).

  • P.Lee et al., Development of FPGA-based digital signal processing system for radiation spectroscopy, Rad. Meas. 48, 12—17 (2013).



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