Accelerator & Quantum Beams Major
Prof. Pilsoo LEE 이필수
Email : pilsoolee {at}, pilsoolee {at}
Tel : +82-42-868-2851
July 2017 ~ present Senior Researcher, KAERI
Mar. 2024 ~ present Full-time Professor, Accelerator & Quantum Beams, UST
- Nuclear Physics, and its Applications
- Nuclear Physics Simulations
Feb. 2017 Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, Chung-Ang University
Feb. 2013 M.S. in Nuclear Physics, Chung-Ang University
Feb. 2011 B.S. in Physics, Chung-Ang University
July 2017 ~ present Senior Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Mar. 2022 ~ Feb. 2024 Adjunct Professor, Accelerator & Quantum Beams, UST
Jan. 2022 ~ Jan. 2023 Director of Accelerator Development & Research Division
Jun. 2016 ~ Jun. 2017 Researcher, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences
Development of high-flux and high-energy neutron counting system, ‘21~26 (PI)
Development of high-reliability nuclear data production, supply, and application technology, ‘24
Development of field-installable fast-neutron target system, ’23
Accelerator operation, ‘22 (PI)
Environmental improvement and maintenance for KOMAC managements, ’22 (PI)
Development of Sr-82 production and generator based on proton accelerator, ‘19~’21
Feasibility study on accelerator-based pulse fast neutron generation, ‘18~20
Feasibility study on Li-8 beam production for beta-NMR, ‘17~’19
(International Journal)
P.Lee, N.Kang, Y.Jang, Design-oriented study on target station for spallation neutron source at KOMAC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 83(2) 91—95 (2023).
P.Lee, N.Kang, Comparison study of MCNP6 and GEANT4. For neutron transportation and detection in He-3 long counter, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 92(2) 024201 (2023).
A.Yagi, et al., Various nuclear stuructures in Xe-140 studied by beta decay of ground and isomeric states in I-140, Phys. Rev. C 105(4), 044325 (2022).
S.Lim et al., Development of neutron time-of-flight measurement system for 1.7-MV tandem proton accelerator with lithium target, Nucl. Eng. Tech. 54(2), 437—441 (2022).
P. Lee et al., Recent progress on the development of Li-8 radioactive ion beam based on 100-MeV proton linear accelerator at KOMAC, AIP Conf. Proc. 2319(1) (2021).
C.H.Lee, et al., Status of development and planning activities on CANS in Korea, Journal of Neutron Research 23(2-3) 126—141 (2021)
H.Yamaguchi, et al., Experiments on astrophysical reactions with low-energy unstable nuclei beams at CRIB, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1643(1), 012069 (2020).
H.S.Kim et al., Upgrade plan of the komac proton linac for the atmospheric radiation test on semiconductor devices, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 77, 373—378 (2020).
D.H.Kim et al., Measurement of the neutron energy spectra by using organic scintillators at the beam dump of the 100-MeV proton linear accelerator in the KOMAC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 77, 414—417 (2020).
J.J.Liu, et al., Isomeric and beta-decay spectroscopy of Ho-173,174, Phys. Rev. C102(2), 024301 (2020)
G.X.Zhang et al., Interplay of quasiparticle and vibrational excitations: first observation of isomeric states in Dy-168 and Dy-169, Phys. Let. B799, 135036 (2019)
P.Lee et al., Unfolding plastic detector responses to white and mono-energetic neutrons based on artificial neural networks, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 75, 878—881 (2019).
P.Lee et al., Characterization study of fast neutron sources based on proton accelerators at KOMAC, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1350(1), 012066 (2019).
P. Lee, Design of the 100 MeV proton-beam target system for the pulsed neutron source at the KOMAC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73, 1068—1072 (2018).
P.Lee et al., A method for using a radiophotoluminescence glass dosimeter in accurate tissue dosimetry, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 72, 444-448 (2018).
J.Wu, et al., 94 beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich Cs-55 to Ho-67: experimental feedback and evaluation of the r-process rare-earth peak formation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 072701 (2017).
L.A. Gurgi, et al., Isomer spectroscopy of neutron-rich Tb-165,167, Acta Physica Polonica. Series B 48(3) (2017).
P.A.Soderstrom, et al., K-mixing in the doubly mid-shell nuclide Dy-170 and the role of vibrational degeneracy, Phys. Lett. B762, 404—408 (2016).
H.Watanabe, et al., Long-lived K isomer and enhanced gamma vibration in the neutron-rich nucleus Dy-172: collectivity beyond double midshell, Phys. Lett. B760 641—646 (2016).
R.Lozeva et al., New isomer found in Sb-140: sphericity and shell evolution between N=82 and N=90, Phys. Rev. C93(1), 014316 (2016).
P.Lee et al., beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of non-yrast states in Te-138 near the neutron drip line, Phys. Rev. C92(4) 044320 (2015).
P.Lee et al., Development and performance test of the analysis software for the CRIB active target, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 66, 459-464 (2015).
P.Lee et al., Development of FPGA-based digital signal processing system for radiation spectroscopy, Rad. Meas. 48, 12—17 (2013).