Nuclear and Radiation Safety Major
Prof. Jinkyun Park 박진균
Email : kshpjk {at}
Tel : +82-42-868-2186
Principal Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA), Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), AI application to nuclear safety, Human error identification and reduction, Human performance in advanced reactors including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
1991 B.S. Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University
1994 M.S. Nuclear Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
1998 Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, KAIST
2000 ~ present Senior/Principal Researcher, KAERI
2012 ~ 2013 Guest Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institute
2019 ~ present Full-time Professor, Nuclear and Radiation Safety, UST
2022 ~ present Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST
Project leader, A Study on the Development of PSA Methodology for Advanced Nuclear Reactor (SMR Design), ’23-’26, 2.31M USD
Project leader, Development of technology for analyzing the communication reliability of emergency response organizations, ’22-’24, 0.85M USD
Project leader, Development of regulatory methodology for human factors engineering evaluation based on human performance under digital operation environment, ’21-‘25, 0.85M USD
Project participant, Integrated Safety Assessment for innovative SMR, ’23-’25, 2.83M USD
Project participant, Development of the digital MCR HRA method for regulatory purposes, ’21-26, 1.6M USD
Project leader, Evaluation of human error probabilities and the reliability of safety-critical software in a digital operation environment, ’16-’19, 2.65M USD
Project leader, Development of Cross-cutting Risk Assessment Technology for Emerging Nuclear Systems, ’17-’21, 4.85M USD
Project leader, Development of cross-cutting technologies for supporting the response of off-normal conditions and dynamic risk assessment based on big data of nuclear power plants, ’19-’22, 3.27M USD
(International Journal)
J. Park. A framework to determine the holistic multiplier of performance shaping factors in human reliability analysis–An explanatory study, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 242, 109727, 2024.
Y. Kim, J. Park, M. Presley. Hybrid Variable Selection for Estimating Nominal HEPs and PIF Multipliers for Digital Control Rooms, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 197(11), p.2787-2799, 2023
Y. Kim, J. Kim, J. Park. A data-informed dependency assessment of human reliability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 239, 109539, 2023
S. Ryu, H. Kim, S. G. Kim, K. Jin, J. Cho, J. Park. Probabilistic deep learning model as a tool for supporting the fast simulation of a thermal–hydraulic code, Expert Systems with Applications, 200:116966, 2022.
K. Jin, H. Kim, S. Ryu, S. Kim, J. Park. An approach to constructing effective training data for a classification model to evaluate the reliability of a passive safety system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 222:108446, 2022.
Y. H. J. Chang, Y. Kim, J. Park, L. Criscione. SACADA and HuREX: Part 1. the use of SACADA and HuREX systems to collect human reliability data, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(5):1686-1697, 2022.
Y. Kim, Y. H. J. Chang, J. Park, L. Criscione. SACADA and HuREX: Part 2. The use of SACADA and HuREX data to estimate human error probabilities, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(3):896-908, 2022.
J. Park, Y. Kim. Comparisons of human reliability data between analog and digital environments, Safety Science, 149:105701, 2022.
J. Park, “13. Operating procedure,” In: Handbook of Safety Principles (N. Möller, S. O. Hansson, J. Holmberg, and C. Rollenhagen, eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
J. Park, The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks, Springer-Verlag, Belin, 2009.
System for assessing procedure compliance level of human operators in nuclear power plants and method thereof, CN, 2782577, 2018.
System for evaluating coverage of abnormal operating procedures in nuclear power plants and method thereof, KR-10155389, 2015
High risk inducible task evaluating system and evaluating method, KR-101410750, 2014.
Simulation Apparatus and Method for the Performance Evaluation of the Plant, KR-101233312, 2013.
System for evaluating nuclear power plant shutdown urgency using trip signature database and method thereof, KR-101219895, 2013.
A method for evaluating the complexity of railway tasks, KR-101174735, 2012.
Method for diagnosing abnormal conditions in a system by observing a computer screen and considering computer screen configuration complexity and distinctiveness, US 8,271,835 B2, 2012.
Apparatus and Method for Diagnosing Abnormal Conditions, KR-100988855, 2010.
An apparatus and method to analyze causality graphs, KR-100923232, 2009.
Operator work station for nuclear power plants, US 5,812,622, 1998.
Editorial Board of Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2018 ~ Present)
Chairman of Asian Chapter, Human Reliability Analysis Society (2018 ~ Present)
Member of Korean Nuclear Society
Member of Korean Railway Society
Member of Korean Risk Governance Society
Member of European Safety and Reliability Society
Member of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Application of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (KAIST, 2022)
Introduction to Human Reliability Analysis (UST, 2022)
Introduction to probabilistic safety assessment (UST, 2023)
Introduction to Human Factors and Human Reliability Analysis (2024, UST)
Academy awards (Best technical paper of the year, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), 2019.
Academy awards (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology), 2008.
Academy awards (Korean Nuclear Society), 2004.
(Ph.D. Students)
Wasin Vechgama,